Welcome to The Fun Filter, a blog by a guy who consumes entirely too much media for his own good and writes about it when there's time to kill.
You may be asking yourself, "What the hell is a fun filter?"
Once upon a time, my friends and I would refer to a person's beard as their fun filter, because guys with beards (or at least the ones we knew) tended to take things way too seriously. This included things we all associate with fun: movies, TV, music, sports, video games, etc. If there was entertainment to be wrung out of something, these guys would take it literally and make it the opposite of fun. The fun would enter their face, and then their opinions would come out of their beardspace all mangled and bastardized like someone had just sucked all the fun out of the room.
Today, I'm attempting to take that name back in the hope that I can turn it into something more positive.
Since my time in underdgrad, my consumption of media has not stopped. In fact, I dare say it's increased. I'm constantly engaged in the current cinema landscape, I listen to podcasts on a weekly - nay, daily - basis, I read at least a dozen film blogs on the regular, and my tolerance for serialized television is at an all-time high. Netflix's library of streaming programming isn't helping matters either. The point is, media is all around us, and it's only healthy to want to take a few minutes and talk about the things we enjoy and why we enjoy them. Otherwise, why are we consuming it in the first place?
The Fun Filter is my way of panning for entertainment gold. On this blog, I'll stick my pan into the mainstream, slosh it about for a while and see what I can scrounge up. That's about as far as I think I can go with that metaphor.